1986 年福岡県生まれ。多摩美術大学でガラス工芸を学び、卒業後は髙橋禎彦氏のアシスタント、あづみ野ガラス工房のスタッフを経て、 2015 年より福岡を拠点に活動を展開。ガラスを素材とする立体作品を発表しながら、 2016 年よりガラスウェアブランド「 TOUMEI 」をガラス作家の和田朋子と共に主宰している。
Baku Takahashi
Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1986, He is a graduate of Tama Art University. In 2016, aside from his own work, he established TOUMEI, a studio especially making glassware, with a glass artist Tomoko Wada. TOUMEI means 'transparency' in Japanese.
Interview article on T Magazine
There are times that I find my just-finished work not so interesting even though I created it exactly how I imagined it in my head.
In my opinion, the images in one’s head are affected by scenery, creation or images that one has seen before. I try to create something unimaginable that lays in the bottom of my memories or combines images which are not even connected in my head.
First thing I do when making a new work is to sketch. Facing a blank paper makes my head tense so that, my first drawings tend to be unattractive. The more I keep drawing; however the more unnecessary thoughts vanish from my head, which enables me to create something innovative.
The glass blowing technique allows me to create something very curvilinear and organic like natural materials or give a lively shape, which cannot be drawn on a sketch book since it has a tendency to shift shapes depending on heat and gravity.
Attracted by charm of this material called glass, which is full of new findings, I’m always excited to create a new work without getting tired.
I can create a shape that I’ve never imagined by lining up, combining or turning upside down various completed objects which have gone through these processes.
I’m holding an exhibition hoping to share the sensation that I feel when I’m able to create something I’ve never seen before.